If a child is ill at school, every effort is made to contact one of the parents to advise them. Parents will then be asked to make arrangements for care of these children. If a child becomes ill at school, he or she is confined to the sick room for observation. The child will either return to the classroom after a short period of rest or the parents are contacted so that the child may be collected and taken home.
The first aid room has a limited space with two beds and the highest priorities will be given preference to use these.
To assist with sickness and accident cases, it is essential that parent contact details are kept up to date for prompt response to your child's needs, for example - phone, mobile, work, contacts and emergency contacts.
Changes to medical conditions or medication prescriptions need to be kept up to date at all times. In your child's best interests please ensure that the school is advised of any changes to phone details or emergency contacts.
The school must keep a record of any form of prescribed medication that is administered to students at school, or while students are involved in a school approved activity. In respect of this, the following points are made:
- A parent/guardian and doctor must complete and sign a Administer of medication at school record sheet for all medications that are to be administered by schools. This form is available at the office.
- Medication will not be administered by school staff unless clear instructions are written on the medication container. These instructions must be written by the pharmacist at the medical practitioner's direction.
- Non-prescribed oral medication such as analgesics - aspirin, Panadol, ear drops etc. can not be administered by teachers or other persons on the school staff unless the parental request to the Principal is accompanied by a written prescription from a medical practitioner.
- If your child suffers from any medical condition which requires special treatment e.g. allergies etc. please inform the school of the nature of the condition and emergency treatment. Parents need to provide a copy of the child’s management plan completed by your doctor or specialist as well as Administer of medication at school record sheet to the school.
- For excursions, camps, swimming and school sports we require current medical information to be completed and returned (permission form).
Prescribed asthma medication may be carried on the child's person. This practice also requires a letter of authority from the parent as well as an action plan from your doctor or specialist. If your child suffers from asthma, please ensure that this information is recorded on the enrolment form.
If your child suffers from any allergic reactions it is vital that you provide a copy of the management plan to the school office. If the child requires an EpiPen, please ensure that the school is advised and one is provided to the school office with a
Administer of medication at school record sheet signed by your doctors. It is parent's responsibility to ensure that the EpiPen is within its usable date.